Book: BnF fr. 12203 (Livre de Salhadin et de la prise de Constantinoble)

Created c. 1280

Ownership Details

Margaret of Flanders, duchess of Burgundy, Ownership Confirmed (?-March 1405) by Inventory.

John the Fearless, Ownership Confirmed (March 1405-1419) by Inventory.


Jeannot, Delphine. Le Mécénat bibliophilique de Jean sans Peur et de Marguerite de Bavière (1404-1424) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012).

Falmagne, Thomas, and Baudouin Van Den Abeele, eds. Corpus Catalogorum Belgii: The Medieval Booklists of the Southern Low Countries, Vol. V: Dukes of Burgundy (Leuven: Peeters, 2016).