Book: BnF fr. 167 (Bible moralisée)

Created c. 1349-1352


Format: La belle Bible du duc de Bourgongne, garnye de deux fermans d'argent doré couverte de drap d'or (Chazaud)


  • Bible moralisée
  • Illuminator(s):

  • Jean de Montmartre
  • Master of the Remede de Fortune
  • Master of the Grisaille of the Coronation of Charles VI
  • Ownership Details

    John II the Good of France, Ownership Confirmed (1349-1364?) by Archival Mention.

    Charles V of France, Ownership Confirmed (1364-1380) by Other.

    Charles VI of France, Ownership Confirmed (1380-1391?) by Other.

    Philip the Bold, Ownership Possible (1391?-1404?) by Other.

    John the Fearless, Ownership Confirmed (1404-1419) by Inventory.

    Philip the Good, Ownership Confirmed (1419-1467/1469) by Inventory.

    Agnes of Burgundy, duchess of Bourbon, Ownership Possible (1467/1469-1476) by Other.

    Jacques d'Armagnac, Ownership Possible (1467/1469-1476) by Other.

    Peter II of Bourbon, Ownership Confirmed (1476-1502) by Inscription.


    Leroux de Lincy, Antoine. "Catalogue de la bibliothèque des ducs de Bourbon," Mélanges de littérature et d'histoire recueillis et publiés pour la Société des bibliophiles françoïs 25 (1850): 1-102.

    Chazaud, A.M. Les Enseignements d'Anne de France, duchesse de Bourbonnais et d'Auvergne, à sa fille Susanne de Bourbon: Texte original publié d'après le ms. unique de Saint-Pétersbourg (Moulins: C. Desroziers, 1878).: 234, Item 27