Book: BnF fr. 25535 (Chants royaux, ballades et rondeaux Poems entered at the Puy de l'Immaculée conception in Rouen, 1524, offered to Anne de Graville)

Created c. 1524


Format: vellum


Ownership Details

Anne Malet de Graville, Ownership Confirmed (1524-1540) by Inscription. Ownership Confirmed (1524-1540) by Coat of Arms.

Jeanne de Balsac, lady of Urfé, Ownership Confirmed (post-1540) by Inscription. Ownership Confirmed (post-1540) by Coat of Arms.


L'Estrange, Elizabeth. Anne de Graville and Women's Literary Networks in Early Modern France (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2023).: 76-116