Book: BnF fr. 2608 (Les Croniques de France)

Created c. 1390-1401


Format: Parchment, illuminations


  • Grandes chroniques de France
  • Ownership Details

    John Duke of Berry, Ownership Confirmed (pre-1401-14??) by Inventory. Ownership Confirmed (pre-1401-14??) by Inscription.

    Charles VI of France, Ownership Confirmed (c. 1390?-1401?) by Other.

    Bonne of Berry, viscountess of Carlat, Ownership Confirmed (post-1401-1435?) by Inventory.

    Bernard VIII d'Armagnac, Ownership Possible (1435?-1462?) by Other.

    Jacques d'Armagnac, Ownership Confirmed (1462?-1476) by Inscription.

    Jean du Mas, Ownership Confirmed (1476-1495?) by Inscription.

    Anne of France, duchess of Bourbon, Ownership Confirmed (1495?-1522) by Inventory. Ownership Confirmed (1495?-1522) by Inscription.


    Blackman, Susan. "The Manuscripts and Patronage of Jacques d'Armagnac, duke of Nemours, 1433-1477," Ph.D. diss., University of Pittsburgh, 1993.: 42

    Chazaud, A.M. Les Enseignements d'Anne de France, duchesse de Bourbonnais et d'Auvergne, à sa fille Susanne de Bourbon: Texte original publié d'après le ms. unique de Saint-Pétersbourg (Moulins: C. Desroziers, 1878).: 238, Item 65