Book: BnF fr. 8266 (Chroniques et histoires des Bretons)

Created 1480-1482


Format: Parchment, illuminated, two columns


  • Chroniques et histoires de Bretons
  • Histoire de Bretagne
  • Ownership Details

    John of Malestroit, Baron of Derval, Ownership Confirmed (c. 1480-9 July 1482) by Patron Portrait. Ownership Confirmed (c. 1480-9 July 1482) by Coat of Arms.

    Helen of Laval, baroness of Derval, Ownership Possible (c. 1480-1500?) by Patron Portrait. Ownership Possible (c. 1480-1500?) by Coat of Arms. Ownership Possible (c. 1480-1500?) by Dedication.


    Kogen, Helena. "Les Goûts littéraires de la famille de Laval: Constitution d'une bibliothèque familiale." In Le Goût du lecteur à la fin du Moyen Age, ed. Danielle Bohler (Paris: Léopard d'Or, 2006), 213-23.: 216

    Dupic, Jeanne. "Un Bibliophile breton, Jean de Derval." In Les Trésors de bibliothèques de France: Manuscrits, incunables, livres rares, dessins, estampes, objets d'art, curiosités bibliographiques, ed. R. Cantinelli and Amédée Boinet (Paris: G Van Oest, 1935), 157-62.