Agnes of Burgundy, duchess of Bourbon, Ownership Possible (1445?-1476) by Other.
Joan of Valois, duchess of Bourbon, Ownership Confirmed (1476?-1482) by Inscription.
Chazaud, A.M. Les Enseignements d'Anne de France, duchesse de Bourbonnais et d'Auvergne, à sa fille Susanne de Bourbon: Texte original publié d'après le ms. unique de Saint-Pétersbourg (Moulins: C. Desroziers, 1878).
Kaplan, S.C. "Transmission of Knowledge to and between Women in 15th-Century France: Agnès de Bourgogne's Education and Library," Ph.D. diss., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016.
Leroux de Lincy, Antoine. "Catalogue de la bibliothèque des ducs de Bourbon," Mélanges de littérature et d'histoire recueillis et publiés pour la Société des bibliophiles françoïs 25 (1850): 1-102.
Kaplan, S.C. "A Library of Lost Works: Non-Extant Books as Evidence of Female Reader Networks." Pecia 24 (2023 for 2021): 221-38.: 226
Kaplan, S.C. "Jeanne de Bourbon, Reader of the Grandes chroniques de France." Manuscript Studies 9, no. 2 (forthcoming 2024).