Book: Munich, BSB, Cod. gall. 11 (Livre de la mutacion de Fortune)

Created c. 1410-1411


Format: Parchment, two columns, illuminated


  • Mutacion de Fortune
  • Illuminator(s):

  • Master of the City of Ladies
  • Pierre Gilbert
  • Scribe(s):

  • Hand X (perhaps Christine de Pizan)
  • Hand R
  • Hand P
  • Ownership Details

    Anne Malet de Graville, Ownership Possible (pre-1540) by Instance of borrowing, inscription.

    Marie de Balsac, Ownership Confirmed (post-1470-1503?) by Coat of Arms.

    Anne Malet de Graville, Ownership Possible (1500-1540) by Other.


    Ouy, Gilbert, Christine Reno, and Inès Villela-Petit. Album Christine de Pizan (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012).: 468-75