b. 1516- d. 1552
Title: Lady of Urfé
Motto: Unknown
Symbol: Unknown
Grandparents/Up Two Generations
Parents/Up one generation
Same generation
Nantes (29 August 1532)
Book Count: 16
Arsenal 2691: Secret des secrets; Melibee et Prudence; Livre de divinacions; Bestiaire divin. Confirmed ownership post-1540-1542 by Other.
Arsenal 3172: Livre de mutacion de Fortune. Confirmed ownership post-1540 by Coat of Arms.
Beinecke MS Marston 274: Premiere bataille punique. Possible ownership post-1540?-1552 by Other.
BL Burney MS 38: Commentary on the Pauline Epistles. Possible ownership post-1532-1552 by Other.
BnF fr. 20853: Recueil. Confirmed ownership post-1540 by Coat of Arms.
BnF fr. 22541: Petrarch's Triumphs with anonymous translation of the commentaries by Bernardo Illicino. Confirmed ownership post-1540 by Inscription.
BnF fr. 24315: Collection of poetry and only surviving copy of Guillaume Tasserie's Le Triomphe des Normands; also includes a riddle on Anne de Graville's name. Confirmed ownership post-1540 by Coat of Arms.
BnF fr. 24368: Auberi le Bourguignon. Confirmed ownership post-1540?-1552 by Other.
BnF fr. 24377: Anseis de Metz. Confirmed ownership post-1540 by Inscription.
BnF fr. 25441: Beau roman des deux amants, Palamon et Arcita et de la belle et saige Emilia. Possible ownership post-1540? by Inscription.
BnF fr. 25535: Chants royaux, ballades et rondeaux Poems entered at the Puy de l'Immaculée conception in Rouen, 1524, offered to Anne de Graville. Confirmed ownership post-1540 by Inscription. Confirmed ownership post-1540 by Coat of Arms.
BnF n.a.f. 1880: Devisement du monde. Confirmed ownership post-1540?-1552 by Other.
BnF n.a.fr. 10053: Histoire ancienne jusqu'a Cesar. Confirmed ownership post-1540?-1552 by Other.
Bodleian MS Douce 329: French Mise-en-prose of Boccaccio's Teseida; copy used by Anne de Graville in the writing of the Beau roman.. Confirmed ownership post-1540 by Inventory. Confirmed ownership post-1540 by Coat of Arms.
Newberry, Case MS 21: Lancelot en prose. Confirmed ownership post-1540?-1552 by Other.
Tours, BM, ms 2128: Copy of Christine de Pizan's Livre des trois vertus; sometimes placed in Anne de Graville's library. Confirmed ownership pre-1542 by Coat of Arms.