Created in 1467-1477
Author Unknown
Translator Unknown
NE 1094 (formerly at El Escorial) owned by Charles the Bold (post-1467-pre-1478). Ownership Confirmed with Inscription as evidence.
NE 1094 (formerly at El Escorial) owned by Margaret of Austria, duchess of Savoy (1506?-1 December 1530). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.
NE 1094 (formerly at El Escorial) owned by Mary of Burgundy, duchess of Burgundy (1477-1482). Ownership Possible with Other as evidence.
NE 1094 (formerly at El Escorial) owned by Mary of Hungary, queen consort of Hungary and Bohemia (December 1530-18 October 1558). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.
NE 1094 (formerly at El Escorial) owned by Philip the Fair (1482-1506?). Ownership Possible with Other as evidence.