Text: Plainte de la Vierge: Helas qui donra a mon chief

Plaint of the Virgin Mary


Found in:


Author: Anonymous

Translator: Anonymous


  • Devotional
  • Prose
  • Religious
  • Translation

Ownership Details

BnF fr. 1801 owned by Anne of France, duchess of Bourbon (March 1484-1522). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

BnF fr. 1801 owned by Charlotte of Savoy, queen of France (post-1441-December 1483). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.

Chantilly MS 134 owned by Antoine de Chourses (14??-1485). Ownership Confirmed with Coat of Arms as evidence.

Chantilly MS 134 owned by Catherine of Coëtivy, lady of Magné (14??-1485). Ownership Possible with Coat of Arms as evidence.

Chantilly MS 134 owned by Catherine of Coëtivy, lady of Magné (1485-1529). Ownership Confirmed with Coat of Arms as evidence.

BnF fr. 927 owned by Jacqueline Chouart (1479-15??). Ownership Confirmed with Other as evidence.

BnF fr. 927 owned by Jeanne Leclerc (14??-1479). Ownership Confirmed with Inscription as evidence.
