Text: Relation de la mort de Jeanne d'Alencon

On the Death of Jeanne d'Alençon


Found in:

Created in 1292


Author: Anonymous

Translator Unknown


  • Death
  • Prose
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Ownership Details

Magdalen College MS lat. 41 owned by Barking Abbey (26 February 1474-1539?). Ownership Confirmed with Inscription as evidence.

Magdalen College MS lat. 41 owned by Elizabeth (Howard) de Vere, countess of Oxford (14??-26 February 1474). Ownership Confirmed with Inscription as evidence.

BnF n.a.f. 23285 owned by Charles VI of France (13??-pre-1380). Ownership Confirmed with Other as evidence.

BnF n.a.f. 23285 owned by Valentina Visconti, duchess of Orleans (post-1380-1408). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence. Ownership Confirmed with Instance of borrowing as evidence.

