Created in 1273-1285
Author: Adenet le Roi
Translator: None
NE 165 (perhaps BnF fr. 778) owned by Charles V of France (13??-1380). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.
NE 165 (perhaps BnF fr. 778) owned by Charles VI of France (1380-29 August 1390). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.
NE 165 (perhaps BnF fr. 778) owned by Isabeau of Bavaria, queen of France (29 August 1390 - c. 1397). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence. Ownership Confirmed with Instance of borrowing as evidence.
NE 35 (formerly part of BnF fr. 1456) owned by Agnes of Burgundy, duchess of Bourbon (c. 1425-1476). Ownership Possible with Inventory as evidence.
NE 35 (formerly part of BnF fr. 1456) owned by Margaret of Flanders, duchess of Burgundy (13??-March 1405). Ownership Possible with Inventory as evidence.